Our Mission is Sustainable & Ethical Jewelry

The Teddybearry's mission is to link ethics with aesthetics. If you consider yourself a conscious consumer, a minimalist, or simply care about the impact your purchasing decisions have on the world around you, then you know that less is more. And this could not be more true than when it comes to jewelry. Unfortunately, if you’re buying diamonds, you have to use discretion. We know, actually, it's impossible to 100% ensure the ethical sourcing of mined diamonds. That’s why it’s understandable that lab-grown diamonds, which are less taxing on the environment, are growing in popularity. And yes, they are real diamonds, with an identical chemical structure to one gouged out of the earth.


Because children are considered an easy source of cheap labor, they are regularly employed in the diamond mining industry. In some areas of Africa, children make up more than a small part of the workforce. One survey of diamond miners in the Lunda Norte province of Angola found that 46% of miners were between the ages of 5 and 16.

For children trapped in the diamond mines, life is full of hardship. Children work long days, often six or seven days a week. Compared with adults, they are even more vulnerable to injuries and accidents. Physically challenging tasks such as digging with heavy shovels or carrying bags of gravel can leave them hurt or in pain. Because of their small size, children also may be asked to perform the most dangerous activities such as entering narrow mineshafts or descending into pits where landsides may claim their lives.

Many child miners do not attend school. As adults, these children often will have little choice but to continue working as miners. Child labor thereby condemns many children to a lifetime in the mines, robbing them as well as their countries of a brighter future.


Once a conflict diamond enters the supply chain, it is cut and polished to appear identical to any other stone. This concerned people in the West as retailers were unable to verify the source of these inhumane gems. As more and more shoppers began to question the origin of their engagement ring’s center stone, Diamond traders feared that a worldwide boycott was around the corner.

Map of countries in Africa associated with conflict and smuggling

Leonardo DiCaprio played in the 2006 movie Blood Diamond, which was intended to help wake people about the use of child soldiers in conflict zones. Many people realized for the first time that wars are fought and blood is shed over these beautiful stones.

  • The consequences of diamonds goes further than that. They also have a terrible impact on the environment.
  • Ohio State University has a report on the environmental consequences of diamonds. These include:

    • Soil erosion. Diamonds are located deep underground. Contrary to popular belief, they are not available in easily accessible caves that anybody can just go spelunking in. Diamond miners need to do a lot of heavy excavating, which involves ripping up large portions of the earth. This can permanently destroy the surrounding soil, which can be devastating to local plants and the animals that depend on them.
    • Deforestation. Diamond mining also involves the destruction of local forests. An entire rain forest reserve was destroyed to create a diamond mining operation. The number of animals and plants that died as a result of deforestation to mine diamonds is shocking.
    • Pollution. Mining for diamonds is a tremendously energy intensive process. It has led to the creation of massive levels of pollution, which can be terrible for the environment.

    As we become more aware of the environmental and social costs of diamond mining, we are starting to realize that we need alternatives. Fortunately, there are some great diamond substitutes on the market. One of them is Moissanite.


    Moissanite is an ethical, eco-friendly and affordable diamond alternative. It has a different chemical composition than diamonds, which causes it to sparkle more brightly. Thus gemstone is a lab-created diamond simulant that is chemically identical to diamond but is much more affordable. Since it can be grown in the lab, it does not involve environmentally destructive mining processes. People that are opposed to deforestation and the use of child soldiers in conflict zones will find it to be a wonderful substitute.

    Moissanite is the world’s second hardest mineral, second only to diamond. It’s also more durable than other gemstones, so it’s less likely to get scratched or damaged. Moissanite also has a lower refractive index than diamond, making it the perfect choice for jewellery that looks unique yet still stunning. Finally, moissanite is much better for the planet and the world at large.

    Moissanite is an incredible diamond alternative. It is especially appealing to people that want to reduce harm to the environment and feel guilty about all the people dying for diamonds in conflict zones. 

    These below are some gorgeous moissanite jewels from our collections. Explore our website to find out more.